The mineral turquoise processed exclusively to jewellery is chemically seen a copper aluminium phosphate. Its containing copper is responsible for the so coveted sky-blue colour. The name resulted from the relating former trade route, which led through Turkey. Therefore the word turquoise replaced the name kallait (in Greek it means ‘nice stone’), which nowadays is not known anymore. Turquoises are usually opaque and almost always streaked with brown, dark grey or even black veins.
This marbling makes the turquoise absolutely unique. It belongs to the first ever mined gemstones. This sensitive gemstone was produced already in Ancient Egypt 8000 years ago and in the old Persia 7000 years ago. Goldsmiths always had to work very carefully with turquoises as it is very sensitive over 250°C. Antique turquoise jewellery has been preserved above all from the Biedermeier period. In this German epoch turquoises were the favourite stones and their fascinating, optical charms ideally developed in the Cabochon-cutting. Antique brooches, bracelets and necklaces set with them were the ideal eye-catcher in the sparsely decorated pieces of jewellery of the Biedermeier period.
The moonstone belongs to the group of feldspars. The name results from its moonlight-like shimmer. This milk white to slightly murky mineral features in the first place its adularscence, which is so nice to look at. The fascinating phenomenon of the widespread, bluish shimmer when moving the moonstone is further intensified by the fact that it is mostly cut as a cabochon. Its first discovery sites and biggest occurrence were in Sri Lanka. It is exclusively processed to jewellery. Still today we are amazed about the ‚moving‘ effect from moonstone in, for example, antique necklaces, bracelets and brooches. Just in the time around the turn of the century enchanting moonstone jewellery originated in Edwardian England and in the German Art nouveau. In esoteric circles the moonstone is highly estimated as a remedial stone, above all against daily sufferings. Thus it should relieve headaches and cyclic woman’s complaints as well as strengthen the psyche generally. We find: Moonstone is wonderful and life-affirming! Discover our antique moonstone pieces of jewellery.
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