Tag - Art deco jewelry

Travelers’ Choice Award 2023 for Antique Jewellery Berlin

It is with great pleasure and also with some pride that we announce that RHEINFRANK Antique Jewellery Berlin has once again, and for consecutive years, been voted among the top 10% of the world's most popular places to visit. This outstanding award was once again given to us by the users of the world's leading platform Tripadvisor. We are honoured that our dedication to perfect customer service and our exceptional collection of antique jewellery has been recognised in this way. It...

No more overexploitation for gold and diamonds!

Striving for a sustainable model of life does not mean sacrificing pleasure and luxury. Despite all the problems in the world and systematic injustices, there are ways to make your personal contribution to better circumstances. We know best about jewellery and accessories for beautiful outfits. And if we only share our knowledge about it with you, and together develop the awareness for appreciation further, we all already make a big contribution. The production of jewellery always begins with the extraction...

Only an Original is Genuinely Antique – Antique Jewellery Berlin

We have been living the philosophy of sustainability for 20 years. It is the basis of our work. Isn't it fantastic to see how consumer awareness has changed in recent years? We have seen trends emerge, revivals become popular and young people rediscover the values of older generations. That's exactly what our business has been for so long - when no one was talking about it. Long live antique jewellery! Because genuine jewellery from bygone eras is the most desirable...

Art Déco jewellery at Antique Jewellery Berlin – timelessly stylish!

When we talk of antique jewellery with modern accents, we almost always refer to Art déco jewellery. It is the jewellery epoch, which is apparently not subject to any signs of aging. Basically, the Art Deco style has been around for almost 100 years without interruption. The designs and creations of the goldsmiths and jewellers of that era, which officially existed for a little over 20 years, still meet the taste of most modern people today. Especially the recently popular...
