Only an Original is Genuinely Antique – Antique Jewellery Berlin

Only an Original is Genuinely Antique – Antique Jewellery Berlin

We have been living the philosophy of sustainability for 20 years. It is the basis of our work. Isn’t it fantastic to see how consumer awareness has changed in recent years? We have seen trends emerge, revivals become popular and young people rediscover the values of older generations. That’s exactly what our business has been for so long – when no one was talking about it. Long live antique jewellery! Because genuine jewellery from bygone eras is the most desirable thing we know in its original state. Our excellent Google ratings and the fact that we were voted the best shop in town by TripAdvisor users also prove that we are hitting the nerve of today.

The call for sustainability is getting louder and louder and is putting more and more pressure on both consumers and retailers. The need to conserve resources and reduce the burden on nature is completely unquestionable. It is in everyone’s interest to be more attentive to this issue. Everyone has to find out for themselves how they can contribute to this. We think it is a good decision to want to live consciously and as sustainably as possible. However, as a serious jewellery retailer, we do not rely on recycling and upcycling. We preserve the old and the beautiful from the world of original antique jewellery.

Let’s take a closer look at antique jewellery – because that’s what we know about. Antique jewellery is already here. It no longer needs to be produced and thus protects the environment in the here and now. Of course, it was also once produced. But every product that is recycled today was once produced. In this respect, antique jewellery is the most sustainable jewellery there is. Without ifs and buts! The need for unique jewellery with a real history can only be satisfied by antique jewellery in its original condition. That is why it is our great pleasure to offer only antique originals. Our genuine antique jewellery has only been in our workshop to ensure worry-free wearability for many years to come. We don’t recycle and we don’t upcycle – because our range consists only of originals from the last three centuries. Look forward to truly unique jewellery that is timeless and holds its value. The most romantic way for anyone to give their loved one something special!

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Visit our online shop for engagement rings, wedding bands and antique jewellery, we look forward to seeing you!

RHEINFRANK Antique Jewellery Berlin, Linienstr. 44, 10119 Berlin-Mitte
Tel.: +49 (0)30 206 89 155

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