Antique Jewellery Berlin – the best Valentine’s Day gifts.

Antique Jewellery Berlin – the best Valentine’s Day gifts.

Let’s celebrate “Lovers’ Day” together. On February 14th every year our heart beats a little bit higher than usual. It is in the air – love breaks all boundaries! A happy couple in love is sure to show mutual affection at every opportunity. This creates a livable feeling of security and harmony. A perfectly natural right to free love, in this day and age. But looking back to the time of the Roman Empire, to the 3rd century after Christ, there were other circumstances. In the empire of that time, a clergyman named Valentin prevailed against the prohibition of the Christian faith, and received loving couples in his small church to marry them according to Christian tradition. This was primarily due to his pure charity and the unbiased faith in the good in man, to which he felt obliged before God and the inhabitants of Italy. Of course, word got around that there was someone who made a radical statement about the relevance of love between people. Free in faith, one should receive the blessing of Valentine to seal love before God. His service to the people cost Valentin his life in Rome on February 14, 269 AD. About 100 years after his death, Valentin was canonized. And finally, more than 200 years after his death, in 496 AD, Pope Gelasius I declared 14 February as the official Valentine’s Day.

It is said that Valentin always welcomed couples with flowers from his own garden. This tradition greatly enhances the romantic factor of Valentine’s Day. Fresh flowers are generally considered to be a means of expressing affection. It is therefore not surprising that flowers in particular are presented on Valentine’s Day. This custom has been practiced for hundreds of years. But after it was somewhat forgotten, it had to assert itself anew in the 20th century. This was driven primarily by the USA and Great Britain. Since the 1950s, however, Valentine’s Day has also become a permanent institution in the rest of Europe. In addition to the obligatory flowers, the day of lovers is also a good opportunity to spend intensive time with your life partner. Whether you go out for a romantic dinner or enjoy togetherness in a cozy home – togetherness is important. For a while, don’t get distracted by the digital world, by the omnipresent stress and noise of society. Just spend time together and enjoy the romance.

Plan to surprise your loved one(s) with an individual and personal gift? We at Antique Jewellery Berlin have small and large gift ideas ready. Come and visit us and let us advise you personally. Especially heartwarming pieces of jewellery for personal love messages are available from many antique jewellery eras. From cute antique medallions made of gold or silver, naturally in the shape of a heart, to fantastic earrings or enchanting necklaces, we have everything in the assortment. We advise you in the relaxed atmosphere of our beautiful antique jewellery shop. See you personally in the shop, Monday to Saturday from 11:00 to 19:00, and 24/7 on .

Visit our air-conditioned shop for unique Engagement rings, Wedding bands and genuine Antique jewellery – we are looking forward to see you here, in the heart of Berlin!

Antique Jewellery Berlin Rheinfrank, Linienstr. 44, 10119 Berlin-Mitte
Tel.: +49 (0)30 206 89 155

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