Tag - Sustainable antique jewellery

No more overexploitation for gold and diamonds!

Striving for a sustainable model of life does not mean sacrificing pleasure and luxury. Despite all the problems in the world and systematic injustices, there are ways to make your personal contribution to better circumstances. We know best about jewellery and accessories for beautiful outfits. And if we only share our knowledge about it with you, and together develop the awareness for appreciation further, we all already make a big contribution. The production of jewellery always begins with the extraction...

Only an Original is Genuinely Antique – Antique Jewellery Berlin

We have been living the philosophy of sustainability for 20 years. It is the basis of our work. Isn't it fantastic to see how consumer awareness has changed in recent years? We have seen trends emerge, revivals become popular and young people rediscover the values of older generations. That's exactly what our business has been for so long - when no one was talking about it. Long live antique jewellery! Because genuine jewellery from bygone eras is the most desirable...

Vintage Engagement Rings by Antique Jewellery Berlin – Timelessly Modern!

Every man and woman is spoilt for choice when it comes to the perfect engagement ring. Of course, the range of shops is huge. From really small to really big, from suspiciously cheap to utopianly expensive, from simple to playful - it's easy to lose track and also lose interest! The ring of rings should therefore be chosen in a relaxed manner according to the process of elimination. May we be of assistance to you? With pleasure: What makes the ideal...
