Dear couples, welcome to Antique Jewellery Berlin.

Dear couples, welcome to Antique Jewellery Berlin.

The same-sex marriage is a civil marriage, in the very classical sense. And yet it’s so new and innovative, it’s hard to believe. The cautious beginning of equal treatment of same-sex couples dates back to 1989. At that time it was Denmark that allowed the “registered partnership” of two gay and lesbian people for the first time in the world. As Western Europeans, we are very proud to play a pioneering role in the acceptance and promotion of equal rights for all. Even though it took another 12 turbulent years from then on until the breakthrough was finally achieved in a neighbouring country of Germany, namely the Netherlands. In 2001, same-sex couples were able to marry before the law for the first time. Until today this is only possible in 25 countries of the world. Another three states allow it at least in parts of their territories. Tendency: fortunately increasing!

Let us leave aside the complex jurisdictions and conceptual obligations that come with marriage for everyone. Then it is what it is: the recognized and celebrated union of two people who love each other. No matter what gender you are – everyone deserves to find and live their happiness! This is our opinion and this should be the conviction of every person who believes in love. For far too long, conventional marriage was limited to the union of a man and a woman. It is shameful how long it took for all loving men and women to come to their rights. In Germany the “Marriage for All” was not legally adopted until 2017. In the first two years since then, more than 50,000 same-sex couples have married in Germany. Or they have converted their “registered partnership” into marriage. What a success in our countries! You can feel how much more freedom and happiness is in the air now. Of course, we feel this very closely in our jewellery shop. Lesbian and gay couples like to visit us to buy antique jewellery for their wedding with an especially lasting consciousness.

We offer a uniquely large selection of antique wedding rings. Lasting pieces of jewellery from past eras, which are as unique as they are beautiful. We are happy to advise you on all your wishes and questions about our wedding rings. From the 19th century to modern, matching pairs – (almost) every wish can be fulfilled. Mix & Match – put together the desired pair according to your ideas with us. Try everything on and be inspired. We see each other personally in the shop Monday to Saturday from 11am to 7pm and 24/7 on .

Visit our air-conditioned shop for unique Engagement rings, Wedding bands and genuine Antique jewellery – we are looking forward to see you here, in the heart of Berlin!

Antique Jewellery Berlin Rheinfrank, Linienstr. 44, 10119 Berlin-Mitte
Tel.: +49 (0)30 206 89 155

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