
The biggest diamond robbery of all time – incredible events in Antwerp 2003!

The biggest diamond robbery of all time - incredible events in Antwerp 2003! Some things are planned perfectly, performed spectacularly and failed in the end. No trader wants to be the victim of a robbery. No institute or bank has that endeavor. But it fascinates us when one hears of mega-coups. When it is revealed how imaginative and precise a plan was to lead people and machines by the nose. In the case of the Antwerp diamond center, which was relieved...

April, April, knows exactly what he wants. Diamonds in antique jewellery from RHEINFRANK Berlin!

The king of all gems is the birthstone and lucky stone of the spring month of April: the diamond. He is the epitome of luxury and definitely "A Girl's Best Friend". There's nothing compared to the fascination that comes from a diamond. For centuries it has been people's desire to own and control diamonds. You can not read the development of technology and civilization on any other material in antique jewellery. In fact, love is the ultimate drive to devote...

Spring happiness with antique jewellery – on the engagement, get set, go!

Spring happiness with antique jewellery – on the engagement, get set, go! March is tough. The charm offensive of mother nature slowly starts again. The temperatures are constantly increasing and thus also the well-being of the people. Some days ago was the meteorological spring beginning. The sun is shining again and the sky shines in aquamarine blue. Suitable to the lucky stone of the month of March. The aquamarine watches, protects and (knows) shows the way to happiness. Follow him! But...

Aquamarine jewelry in March – the whisper of the sea

The element water stands for life. His longing images in bright blue inspire our senses and awaken desires. Blue also stands for eternity and loyalty. So what a perfect color in antique jewelry! The birthstone and lucky stone of the month of March is breathtaking. Sea and sky blue shines the aquamarine - spring-like and fresh. A particularly fascinating gemstone of sometimes mystical character. Like the August Peridot, it often has milky cloud-like inclusions. As a result, he noticeably slows...

Protective amethyst jewellery in February – the violet innocence!

Similarly pleasing the eye, like the January garnet, appears the birth and luck stone of the 3rd winter month February: the amethyst. Yet, the name of this precious stone is like a healing embrace. With pleasure you give yourself up to its care and rely on the protective characteristics, which quite big scholars and masters like Leonardo da Vinci knew how to estimate and to underline. Thus, the wearer of amethysts should be given a sharp mind as well as...

Suffragettes power – for the last 100 years women in power!

The anniversary of 2018: 100 years ago the suffragette movement achieved its decisive success. The recognition of the suffrage for woman and the progress of equal rights in general coming along with it, was world-changing in 1918. Besides, circumstances that surround us nowadays are considered to be quite normal and ordinary, but are indeed the result of many years' protests, self-sacrificing efforts and indefatigable organisation. Already in the outgoing 19th century groups of women formed to protest against their barred...

Fascinating garnet jewellery in January – positive prospects with RHEINFRANK!

The New Year decorates itself with red. Shortly after the turn of the year, the world though rotates around the same axis. Nevertheless, the fascination of the new, forthcoming year is always extremely and exceptionally stimulating. Now at this point, we will, on a monthly basis, draw your attention to natal stones, also called lucky stones. We start with the natal stone of January: the garnet. Late born Capricorns, as well as the January Aquarius’s will be pleased about the...

Vouchers for antique jewelry at RHEINFRANK – the perfect gift!

Welcome to the fascinating world of old jewelry! In the newly furnished shop of RHEINFRANK Antique & Vintage Jewelry Berlin you can buy antique jewelry from 3 centuries in a very relaxed atmosphere and let yourself be completely inspired. You can also view and purchase a representative and exciting part of our range in the large RHEINFRANK online shop. More than 1,800 antique and vintage pieces of jewelry are waiting to be discovered by you online. In our air-conditioned shop...

Antique Jewellery Berlin – discover the most beautiful Christmas gifts now!

Welcome to the newly furnished shop of RHEINFRANK Antique & Vintage Jewellery in Berlin! In October 2017 we renewed our large showcases in the shop as well as all window display cases at Linienstraße 44. Accordingly to the timeless beauty and exclusivity of old jewellery, our sales room shines so brilliantly and equally relaxed as never before. After extensive renovations and the inclusion of the world famous Cire Trudon scented candles in our range, we have now completed the appearance...

Old Jewellery is our passion

Old jewellery, in particular antique jewellery manufactured before 1950, is our passion. Portable and modern taste corresponding antique jewellery origins from the time between 1750 and 1950. By definition antique jewellery is at least 50 years old – by this we as a trader understand the artistic jewellery production up to the end of the Art déco epoch at the end of the 1940s. During two centuries goldsmiths and jewellers perpetuated the technical and cultural progress of its respective epoch for...
