Antique Jewellery Berlin welcomes Valentine’s Day on Febrauary 14.

Antique Jewellery Berlin welcomes Valentine’s Day on Febrauary 14.

Valentine’s Day is actually easy to plan. Like Christmas and New Year, he falls on the same day every year: the 14th of February. Thanks to Saint Valentine, this is the day of all lovers in the world. Romantically inclined people, to whom most of us probably want to be counted, plan to spend a lot of time with their sweetheart on this day. Traditionally, you give your sweetheart beautiful flowers, that will surely make one feel happy in the still cold season. Valentine’s Day is thus the warmest day of the year despite the cold winter. Retailers would like to encourage the people to present a small gift in addition to the flowers. We have collected our own experiences in the antique jewellery business for many years and can immediately name many occasions to make a love gift. But you can rest assured that Valentine’s Day is probably the most suitable day besides the birthday! Despite all the critics, the thought of dedicating a day to lovers all over the world warms our hearts.

Back goes the „day of the lovers” to the holy Valentin, who lived in the Roman Empire, in the area of today’s Italy, in the 3rd century after Christ. The Christian religion was forbidden at this time in the empire. Valentin however was known, that he married couples according to Christian tradition. For this indomitable will he had to leave his life on 14.02.269 in Rome. Valentin was canonized about 100 years after his death. And finally Pope Gelasius 1st officially declared Valentine’s Day on 14th of February. Since then, this day is celebrated by loving couples. Also lovers take the day as an opportunity to confess the love to the beloved. The expression of affection and love by means of flowers is also to be attributed to St. Valentine. Allegedly he gifted the couples who came to him to marry, with flowers from his garden. After the US and Britain, Valentine’s Day has become a fixture in Europe since the 1950s.

Antique jewellery is available in every imaginable design and in almost every price range. It is easy to find a unique piece of jewellery for Valentine’s Day in our shop. The prospect of happy and romantic gratitude the donor takes with him free of charge. Do not miss this joy! We advise you Mondays to Saturdays between 11:00 and 19:00 clock in our shop at Linienstrasse 44, Berlin-Mitte. Regardless, we always open online. Anyone who will complete an order in our online shop until February 12th, will get the delivery punctually until Valentine’s Day from house to house, to the office or to neighbors within Germany! Discover the most beautiful gifts since the existence of antique jewellery on We look forward to you!

Visit our air-conditioned shop for unique Engagement rings and genuine Antique jewellery – we are looking forward to see you here, in the heart of Berlin!

Antique Jewellery Berlin Rheinfrank, Linienstr. 44, 10119 Berlin-Mitte
Tel.: +49 (0)30 206 89 155

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